• Philosophy

    We must be prepared to utilize all available tools to meet goals established by the 21st Century Challenge. The use of technology in our schools represents one of those tools. Children are the key to America's future and computers are the tools of their times.

    Technology can enhance children's learning and unlock their creativity. It can help children be more productive and develop better communication skills that will help them succeed in college or the workplace.

    Those responsible for predicting the future work force indicate that the US economy will become more and more tied to our ability to access knowledge and information. When utilized along with other resources, such as the timely availability of management information, effectively prepared teachers and administrators, well equipped facilities, and appropriate levels of funding, technology can help ensure that our students will become successful and productive citizens.

    With this in mind, it is important to give our children preparation in the technological skills that will be necessary for the 21st Century.

    Local Advances:

    • Lauderdale County Schools boasts a wide variety of technology and network capabilities.
    • Every school in Lauderdale County, as well as the district office, is wired with a high-speed ethernet network. (LAN) This creates a district wide-area network. (WAN) A network such as this allows students and staff members to share files and other information in a fast, efficient manner. Work can be done cooperatively on local class projects or projects with other classes around the world.
    • Every classroom in every school has been wired for Internet access. As new computers are placed in schools, this provides immediate access to LAN and WAN services, as well as Internet access,. Providing Internet access to students and staff takes education beyond geographical boundaries and furnishes reference materials that otherwise would not be available to them.
    • Each year, more and more teachers become involved in national and international Internet cooperative learning projects. Many have received recognition in newspapers and magazines.
    • Internet safety is a top priority in our schools. We feel our students deserve as safe a learning experience as possible through technology and have taken steps to provide a secure environment with the support of a content filtering system. This system filters objectionable Internet material while maintaining the integrity of the world wide web.
    • Currently, the technology department supports approximately 1500 computers, the majority of which have wide-area network and Internet privileges. The number of computers in our schools is growing daily.
    • The Lauderdale County Technology Department has been recognized as one of the most progressive and innovative rural school districts in the state.



    Samantha Culver, Director of Technology

    Technology Staff
    Jeff Belton
    Cheryl McLemore
    Vance Brewster